Brian Williams

Ford Had a Better Idea: No Bailout

As U.S. car manufacturer 'stuns' Wall Street with 3Q profits, some media forget to report Ford didn't take government cash.
Media Research Center

Journalists Denying Liberal Bias, Part Three

In spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, many journalists still refuse to acknowledge that most of the establishment media tilts to the left.
Media Research Center

Journalists Denying Liberal Bias, Part Two

In spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, many journalists still refuse to acknowledge that most of the establishment media tilts to the left.

$200 Million Mortgage Plan Not Enough for Networks

Media criticize Bush plan, calling for even more 'relief' from government for irresponsible borrowers.

NBC Drives Recession Fears with R.V. Story

'Nightly News' warns that fewer 'mini-mansions on wheels' mean an economic breakdown is dead ahead.

NBC Misleads about Housing Problems

Network claims 'All 20 Cities' in Decline, but CNN shows 'almost 5 percent' gains in Seattle and Charlotte.

GDP Growth Missed by CBS, Downplayed by NBC

Federal Reserve rate cut shines spotlight on the economy, but only ABC 'World News' finds a ray of light.

'Nightly News' Continues 'War' on Bottled Water

Bottled-water industry targeted again as an environmental evil.

Housing: NBC Goes Negative, While ABC Offers Balance

"Nightly News" continues trend of blaming housing woes for just about everything, while "World News" finds a business opportunity.

NBC: 'Green' Vehicles the Key to Detroit's Rebirth

'Nightly News' makes the case an enviro-friendly business plan could be exactly what auto manufacturers need.
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