NBC barely covered the Thursday arrests of two Islamists in a planned terrorist attack on a military facility in Seattle. The network didn't cover the breaking news at all on Thursday's Nightly ...
Only ABC's World News on Thursday investigated whether the Obama administration is "playing favorites" with investments related to a prominent fund-raiser for the Democratic President.
Good Morning America's Brian Ross on Friday highlighted the sordid details of John Edwards' affair during the 2008 presidential election campaign. Yet, GMA was the same program that repeatedly ...
While NBC on Tuesday focused on the "funny" and "intelligent" side of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, Nightline's Brian Ross conducted a tough, hard-hitting investigation into the questionable ...
Nightline's Brian Ross on Monday filed a hyperbolic report on "secret Jesus codes" that are on the sights of rifles used by the U.S. military in Afghanistan. Ross featured two voices highly ...
Tuesday night ABC's Brian Ross highlighted how in 2007 Nidal Hasan had exposed his radicalism and threat when he declared: "We love death more than you love life." But neither CBS nor NBC cited ...
ABC's Brian Ross and NBC's Andrea Mitchell both balked at vindicating Dick Cheney on if "enhanced interrogation techniques" prevented attacks. "Nowhere...does the CIA ever draw a direct connection ...
ABC News correspondent Brian Ross tried to connect the health care town hall protesters to hate groups on Friday's GMA. Ross cited the Southern Poverty Law Center, whose left-wing political ...
ABC's Brian Ross on Wednesday investigated a subject that has been skipped by CBS and NBC's morning shows, the more than $1 million spent by the Social Security Administration for its employees to ...