
NBC Cheerleads for Obama, Praises His 'Rousing' and 'Optimistic' Speech About 'Fairness'

Moments after President Obama concluded his State of the Union address on Tuesday, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams could barely contain his glee over the speech: "A rousing recitation, a ...

NBC's Ted Koppel Talks to 'Leading Authority' Stephen Colbert About Super-PAC 'Lethal Weapons'

At the top of Monday's Rock Center on NBC, host Brian Williams lamented the "avalanche of attack ads this political season" and warned: "'s only just starting thanks to the U.S. Supreme ...

NBC Cheers: Michelle Obama 'Chose to Fight Back' Against 'Controversial New Book'

On Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams proclaimed to viewers: "A new book you may have heard about written by a reporter for the New York Times about life in the Obama White House ...

NBC: Romney's Father a 'Poster Boy' for Dream Act, Given Family's Mexican Roots

On NBC's Rock Center on Monday, correspondent Mike Taibbi led the broadcast with a report on Mitt Romney's family roots in Mexico: "It's a little known fact that there's a whole branch of Mitt's ...

New York Times Columnist Paul Krugman Wins Quote of the Year; Claimed "9/11... Has Become an Occasion for Shame"

New York Times Columnist Paul Krugman Wins Quote of the Year; Shamefully Claimed "9/11... Has Become an Occasion for Shame"

As U.S. Leaves Iraq, NBC Proclaims: 'No Victory Celebrations, No Thank Yous' from Iraqis

At the top of Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams sadly declared: "At a ceremony in Baghdad today, the Americans lowered the flag and it was a quiet ending to a war that went bad ...

NBC's Brian Williams Labels Iraq War a 'Tragic and Prolonged Slog'

Opening NBC's Nightly News on Wednesday, anchor Brian Williams touted the U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq as an Obama administration accomplishment while slamming the war effort itself: "The ...
Media Research Center

"Intransigent" Republicans vs. "Just Perfect" Obama

Vol. 24, No. 25

NBC and ABC Hit Gingrich for 'Outrageous' Child Labor Comments that 'Left Some Critics Slack-Jawed'

On Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams fretted over comments made by Newt Gingrich about providing school jobs for inner-city students: "The Newt Gingrich that a lot of folks will ...

NBC's Brian Williams Gushes Over 1950s 'Wholesomeness' of Obama Family

In an interview with President Obama's outgoing assistant Reggie Love on NBC's Rock Center Monday night, host Brian Williams fawned over the First Family: " a retro almost 1950s American ...
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