broadcast networks

Media Research Center

NBC Ignores Challenges to New Cholesterol Guidelines

After networks promote misleading information, all correct story except NBC.
Media Research Center

The Nets: Only CBS Notes Duncan’s ‘White Suburban Moms’ Remark

Other networks ignore Education Sec.'s insult.
Media Research Center

Egypt: Churches Burned, Christians Attacked, Networks Barely Mention

ABC, NBC and CBS give week of anti-Christian violence just 5% of Egypt reporting.
Media Research Center

Networks Silent about Manning’s ‘Gay Soldier’ Defense

Nets mentioned leaker’s sexuality just 6.4 percent of the time, and haven’t since 2011.
Media Research Center

Nets Give Pro-Abortion Wendy Davis 3 Times Coverage of Entire Gosnell Trial

ABC, CBS, NBC fawn over ‘folk hero’s’ pink sneakers, personal story.
Media Research Center

Rainbow Rapture: Networks Cheer Gay Marriage Rulings with 86 Percent Favorable Coverage

Wall-to-wall celebratory coverage on ABC, CBS and NBC.  
Media Research Center

For First Time, All Three Networks Cover Gosnell

ABC waited until bitter end to report murder trial of abortionist.  
Media Research Center

Networks: All Quiet on the Gosnell Front

Superman, ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ and internet cat memes featured. Murder trial ignored.  
Media Research Center

Five States to Tax Guns, Three Networks Silent

NBC, ABC, and CBS ignore states using sales tax to infringe on Second Amendment rights.
Media Research Center

Foul Coverage: Nets Give Basketball Scandal 41 Minutes, Baby Murder Trial 0

The Rutgers basketball story continues to transfix the media, and why shouldn’t it? Mike Rice, the disgraced former Rutgers basketball coach allegedly killed a woman and at least seven viable, ...
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