
The 'So-Called Free Trade' of Lou Dobbs

Despite Lou Dobbs's absence from broadcasts, and with his return, 'Lou Dobbs Tonight' continued its crusade against 'so-called free trade.'

Moyers Gives Liberal Author 40 Minutes to Bash Blackwater in Interview

PBS host conducts one-sided interview devoid of objectivity with Jeremy Scahill, longtime critic of private military contractors.

When the Story's Got Children, Who Needs Facts?

Media coverage of State Children's Health Insurance Program expansion heavy on liberal talking points, light on its unattractive reality.

CNN Team Shocked, Appalled that Bush Would Veto Anything about the Children

CNN political analyst gives emotional opinions, omits White House position that $35-billion spending increase 'goes too far toward federalizing health care.'

Greenspan Has 'Grave Doubts' about 'So-Called Cap-and-Trade System on CO2 Emissions'

Media abuzz with Greenspan's criticisms of Bush, but not mentioning criticisms of left-wing global warming policies.

Anti-Patriotism: the Press Undermines the Iraq War Effort UPDATED!!

Newspapers attacked military commander General Petraeus on the day he delivered his much-anticipated progress report on the war in Iraq.

CNBC Reporter Reacts Negatively to Bush's Housing Proposal

Olick's tells viewers it's not enough help from the government.

Schumer Vows to Block Bush Supreme Court Nominees

Media grant a silent pass, even though the New York senator would reject candidates solely because of judicial philosophy, a radical departure from Senate tradition.

Beating around the Bush

New York Times, Associated Press use former Surgeon General's charges of censorship to bash Bush, fail to report that Clinton did it too.

Media Amnesia Strikes on AMT Reform

AMT Mess: Media blame Bush tax cuts, not politicians who neglected to index the tax to inflation.
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