
FNC's Fox News Watch Highlights Cal Thomas Earning MRC's 'Excellence in Journalism Award'

With "Cal's High Honor" as the on-screen tag, the Fox News Channel on Saturday highlighted video of Fox News Watch panelist Cal Thomas receiving the Media Research Center's "William F. Buckley Jr. ...

MSNBC's Ed Schultz "Wins" Quote of the Year for Worst Liberal Bias of 2010

DisHonors also go to Newsweek's Evan Thomas, Keith Olbermann and PBS' Tavis Smiley. The Meathead, too.

FNC's Colmes: 'Tea Party Was a Bunch of Angry White Guys' with 'Racist Signs'

On Saturday's Fox News Watch, liberal FNC analyst Alan Colmes asserted that the Tea Party was a "bunch of angry white guys who went around and put up racist signs." As a debate ensued pitting ...

Thomas and Beckel Bring 'Common Ground' to Undermining Demonization of Fox News

In the Thursday edition of their every other week "Common Ground" discussion for USA Today, Cal Thomas and Bob Beckel took up the liberal charge the Fox News Channel is out of bounds. Neither ...
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