In a news brief on Monday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams
managed to twist a positive development for Mitt Romney, the endorsement
of Rudy Giuliani, into a negative: "Giuliani, who ...
New York Times reporter Helene Cooper seemed comfortable
broadcasting broad anti-Romney insults: "So long, flip-flopper. Hello, right-wing extremist. Mitt
Romney may be inclined to start ...
Appearing on Tuesday's NBC Today, political director Chuck Todd warned
Mitt Romney against picking Marco Rubio as a vice presidential running
mate with a negative comparison to Sarah Palin: ...
New York Times Public Editor Arthur Brisbane admits: "Many critics view The Times as constitutionally unable to
address the election in an unbiased fashion. Like a lot of America, it
basked a ...
On his 9 a.m. EDT MSNBC show The Daily Rundown on Friday, NBC political director and chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd referred to Hilary Rosen's denigrating remarks about Ann Romney as a ...
The Times portrayed Obama supporter Hilary Rosen's gaffe on CNN
Wednesday night, when she accused Mitt Romney's wife Ann of having
"never worked a day in her life," as less of a Democratic ...
Times editorial page editor Andrew Rosenthal pays tribute to former Republican candidate Rick Santorum: "Mr. Santorum showed that he could appeal to the far right, and
the way far right, and the ...
Reporting on Rick Santorum leaving the Republican presidential race on
Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, correspondent Ron Mott proclaimed: "It was a campaign filled with highly-publicized ...
Apparently the problem for President Obama is that he is just cares too
much about America. That, or he's similar to Jimmy Carter, the last
president who caused liberals to wonder if the ...
Appearing on NBC's Sunday web-based feature Press Pass, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley tore apart the media obsession with the contraception debate: "The
media thinks that women only care ...