Campaign 2013

Media Research Center

NBC's Todd Predicts 'A Lot of I-Told-You-Sos' Against Tea Party After NJ and VA Elections

On Tuesday's NBC Today, chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd eagerly forecasted Republican defeat in the Virginia governor's race and that all the blame for the loss would be ascribed to ...
Media Research Center

PBS's Bellantoni Sees 'Very Conservative' Cuccinelli, 'Fighting Against' 'Freedoms' Like Abortion

Appearing as a guest on Sunday's Melissa Harris-Perry show on MSNBC, PBS's Christina Bellantoni labeled Virginia Republican gubernatorial nominee Ken Cuccinelli as "very conservative," but, when ...

NYT: Republican Cuccinelli Is Controversial in Virginia Gov. Race, but Not Ex-Clintonite Terry McAuliffe?

New York Times reporter Trip Gabriel saw a controversial candidate on one side of the Virginia governor's race, perhaps the biggest political race this year – Republican Kenneth Cuccinelli, ...
Media Research Center

NYT Double Standards on Race, Religion on Display in Contest to Fill Jesse Jackson Jr. Seat

Double standards on race and religion in the New York Times. The paper's liberal concerns about racism in voting patterns or separation of church and state, so prevalent when discussing white ...
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