Campaign Finance

Media Research Center

HuffPo's Stein Claims Clintons Need to Win Lotto to 'Catch Up' With Koch Brothers in 2016

Appearing on MSNBC's Morning Joe on Tuesday, Huffington Post reporter Sam Stein worried that the Clinton political machine would be unable to compete with funding from Charles and David Koch ...
Media Research Center

CBS’s Nancy Cordes Again Bemoans Spending by ‘Dark Money Groups’ in Midterms

Following a story on campaign spending ahead of the midterm elections on October 30, CBS News congressional correspondent Nancy Cordes filed a similar report on Tuesday night’s CBS Evening News ...
Media Research Center

Senate Democrats Push Amendment that Could Neuter Saturday Night Live, Nets Don't Care

Saturday Night Live returned from its summer hiatus this week but if Democrats had succeeded in their September 11 vote to amend the Constitution there wouldn’t be any more political skits on ...
Media Research Center

NBC Warns: Supreme Court 'Opens the Door Even Wider for Unlimited Money in Politics'

On Thursday's NBC Today, White House correspondent Peter Alexander decried Wednesday's Supreme Court ruling striking down some campaign finance restrictions: "So just consider this, in just ...
Media Research Center

Bob Schieffer and Brian Williams Push Liberal Reaction to SCOTUS Campaign Finance Decision

Both CBS's Bob Schieffer and NBC's Brian Williams cried foul on Wednesday evening at the Supreme Court striking down the cap on overall political donations, showing sympathy for supporters of ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Front Page Features Paternalistic Liberal Take on Minority Groups Against NYC Soda Ban

New York Times campaign finance reporter Nicholas Confessore's front-page story took a liberal angle on a judge striking down New York City's controversial new regulation banning large soda ...

NYT's Weisman Laments 'Limits of Campaign Finance Rules' That Mean Democrats Sometimes Lose Elections

By "advocacy groups" and "campaign finance watchdogs," the New York Times Jonathan Weisman means partisan liberals and Democrats: "To Democrats and some campaign finance watchdogs eager to force ...
Media Research Center

More Soros-Funded Criticism of the Right

NY Times knocks conservatives for using tax-exempt groups to shield donations, yet uses Soros groups’ data.

NYT: Sen. Mitch McConnell's 'Incendiary Defense' of Free Speech?

"...Mr. McConnell did not sound like a bomb-thrower, but his speech was an incendiary defense of the free flow of campaign cash in the wake of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Todd Warns: Romney May Be 'Least Transparent President In a Generation'

At the top of his Tuesday MSNBC morning show The Daily Rundown, NBC chief White House correspondent and political director Chuck Todd cited the Romney campaign's refusal to release a list of ...
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