
The NYT's Prop. 8 Omissions

What the Times isn't telling its readers about the fight over California's new law banning gay marriage.

GOP Senator "Questioned the Patriotism" of Democrat Max Cleland?

The Times conintues to spread mythology about a 2002 campaign ad targeting former Sen. Max Cleland, Democrat of Georgia.

Public Editor Calls Out Jodi Kantor for Teens-on-Facebook Flap

Three Times editors say Kantor made the wrong call when she emailed teenage students looking for "advice about a story" on Cindy McCain.

Still Shielding Democrats from Fannie Mae-Freddie Mac Flak

Defending a Democratic senator, the Times makes a clear distinction between banks "investing in risky subprime mortgages" and banks helping "middle- and low-income home buyers." But is there ...

Poor, Dumb, Racist Southerners for McCain

Adam Nossiter: "Southern counties that voted more heavily Republican this year than in 2004 tended to be poorer, less educated and whiter, a statistical analysis by The New York Times ...

Cutesy Shop Liberated Me from the Bush Years

Mike Albo: "If you feel as if you have been emotionally, professionally and politically run over by a tank for the last, say, eight years, then the well-selected, fun merchandise and carbonated ...

President Obama Suck-Up Alert: Today's Entry, Reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg

The Times' White House reporter Stolberg (pictured) gushed about the president-elect: "Now comes Barack Obama: young, hip and multicultural..."

Rep. Chris Shays, Conservative? NYT Full of Labeling Slant

And in Colorado, "a drift toward socially conservative orthodoxy" made the Republican party a "tough sell to newcomers."

Reagan More Out-of-Mainstream Than Obama

Book review editor Sam Tanenhaus, who was considered a conservative when he took the job, seems amazed that "Some 40 years later, there are conservatives who still inveigh against the perils of ...

A Nice Blue Souvenir? NYT's Big Election Map Doesn't Show Actual Results

The Times published a big blue map on the front page of its special election section - but it's not a map of the 2008 results. It just shows the relative shift toward the Democrat, not that the ...
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