
Cooper Accuses Justice Alito of 'Breaking With Decorum' at Obama's State of the Union Rant

According to reporter Helene Cooper, Justice Samuel Alito "escalated" State of the Union confrontation with Obama in January, "breaking with decorum" by shaking his head and mouthing, "No, it's ...

D'oh! Streisand Says 'Elections Should be Won -- Not Bought' But Has Given Over $600k to Political Causes

Actress/Entertainer expresses fear corporations will price people out of campaign financing and lock out 'women and candidates of diverse background.'

Justice Samuel Alito: This Year's Joe 'You Lie' Wilson?

Supreme Court reporter Adam Liptak finds both Obama and the Justice Sam Alito guilty of a "breach of decorum," Obama for attacking the Supreme Court's decision in his State of the Union address, ...

Obama Flubs Facts on Supreme Court Case, Carl Hulse Glides Right By

But his colleagues David Kirkpatrick and Linda Greenhouse nabbed Obama on his SOTU misstatement that: "Last week, the Supreme Court reversed a century of law to open the floodgates for special ...

The 'Common Sense and Moral Clarity' of the Supreme Court's Most Left-Wing Justice

Legal reporter Adam Liptak lauds Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, who holds down the far left of the Supreme Court: "In cases involving prisoners held without charge at Guantánamo Bay and ...

Times Stoops to State Level to Criticize Court's Free Speech Ruling; Kudos to Kirkpatrick

Reporter Ian Urbina gripes about state-level inconveniences resulting from the Supreme Court's ruling expanding free speech during political campaigns, while reporter David Kirkpatrick ...

Nation's Leading Paper Says Democracy Imperiled by First Amendment Victory

Irony or hypocrisy? A lead editorial in the nation's premier newspaper condemns a free speech victory in the Supreme Court as a "radical decision, which strikes at the heart of democracy."

Shunning First Amendment Victory, Times Frets of New Power for Lobbyists

So much for the First Amendment victory on campaign spending granted by the Supreme Court. A front-page headline focuses on fear of sleazy politics (aka democracy in action): "Lobbies' New Power: ...

Times Fails to Hail Free Speech Victory in Supreme Court, Frets Over 'Corrupting of Democracy'

The nation's leading newspaper would of course celebrate a First Amendment victory at the Supreme Court, right? Well, not exactly. Front-page headline: "Dissenters Argue That Ruling Will Corrupt ...

Gary Locke's "Scandal-Free Resume"?

Columnist Michelle Malkin accuses reporter William Yardley of whitewashing the Clinton-era campaign finance controversies of Gary Locke, Obama's pick for Commerce Secretary.
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