
Newsweek Helps Energy Secretary Chu Push Cap-and-Trade

Magazine continues years of global warming advocacy.

Krugman Calls for Second Stimulus, Suggests 'Environmental Policies' to 'Change Things'

Liberal New York Times Columnist tells CNBC Asia inflation not a threat, another stimulus should be green-lighted.

Berkshire Hathaway Energy Chair: House Bill Will Add $120 Tax on Monthly Electric Bill

David Sokol, possible successor to Warren Buffet claims cap-and-trade bill a 28-percent tax increase that doesn't reduce CO2.

Media Myth: Networks Ignore Trillion-Dollar Price Tag of Climate Cap Bill

Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill leaves committee while ABC, CBS, NBC remain silent.

Like a Mama Bear, Networks Protect Obama from His Down Market

Stock market reports ignore president's influence or defend him against criticism, but gave credit for March 4, Election rallies.
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