
Times Suggests GOP Ruining Post-Osama Mood of Unity By Pushing Legislation

The Times sympathizes with poor nonpartisan Harry Reid after Republicans mean-spiritedly insist on their own domestic agenda even after the death of Osama bin Laden: "Senator Harry Reid, the ...

G.O.P. on a Spending-Cut 'Frenzy,' 'Destroying Vital Government Programs With Gleeful Abandon'

More of the sober, substantive commentary we've come to expect from the nation's leading newspaper: "But that wasn't enough for [Speaker John Boehner's] fanatical freshmen, who demanded that it be ...

Tale of Two Congressmen: 'Conservative' Tom Coburn, But 'Democrat' Chuck Schumer

Labeling disparity: In a story on Congress marking the shootings in Tucson, the Times notes that two senators will be sitting together at Obama's upcoming State of the Union address: Tom Coburn, a ...

NYT Blames 'Vitriol in Politics,' Palin's Campaign Map for Schizophrenic's Rampage

The New York Times played up comments by the local sheriff in Tucson blaming conservative political rhetoric for the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords, and Sarah Palin's 2010 campaign map shares ...

NYT Blames 'Vitriol in Politics,' Palin's Campaign Map for Schizophrenic's Rampage

The Times plays up comments by the local sheriff in Tucson blaming conservative political rhetoric for the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords, and Sarah Palin's 2010 campaign map shares blame: "Ms. ...

NYT's Carl Hulse, Ignoring History, Assumes ObamaCare Will Save Money

The New York Times' Congressional reporter claimed that rules proposed by the new Republican majority "would permit repeal of the health care legislation, which was estimated to save the ...

Carl Hulse, Ignoring History, Assumes Obama-Care Will Save Money

The paper's congressional reporter claims that rules proposed by the new Republican majority "would permit repeal of the health care legislation, which was estimated to save the government more ...

Times Embraces 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' Repeal As 'Historic'

Congressional reporter Carl Hulse embraces another liberal piece of legislation as "historic": "The vote marked a historic moment that some equated with the end of racial segregation in the military."

'F*** the President' From Democrat Ignored, But GOP's 'You Lie!' Excoriated

After taking great offense at a Republican shouting "You lie!" at Obama during his 2009 State of the Union, Carl Hulse devoted a mere seven words to a Democrat's "F*** the President" outburst.

Carl Hulse on GOP Candidates With 'a Very Conservative if Not Extreme Agenda'

Congressional reporter Carl Hulse has some chuckles at the expense of "extreme" Republican candidates: I thought what [the Times pollster] said was interesting about voters being willing to vote ...
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