CNN considers it "news" that a liberal activist who went to Capitol Hill and pleaded for mandated contraception coverage in insurance plans has announced she's voting for Obama. And CNN thought ...
Dismissing Republican accusations against Eric Holder as "politics," CNN
legal analyst Jeff Toobin claimed that allegations of corruption
against the Attorney General have "not been proven at ...
The liberal host of the public radio show "Interfaith Voices," Sister Maureen Fiedler has cheered for the Occupy protests, railed against the Ryan budget, advocated for single-payer healthcare, ...
After Vice President Joe Biden voiced his support of same-sex marriage
over the weekend, CNN jumped all over the news on Monday and expectantly
wondered if President Obama would follow suit. ...
When liberal Catholics protested Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) speaking at
Georgetown University on Thursday, CNN jumped all over the story and
gave it 11 full minutes of coverage during the 9-11 ...
Apparently, CNN never got the memo that Herman Cain all but officially endorsed Mitt Romney on Tuesday. Citing a Daily Beast report
that Romney has no high-profile African-American endorsements ...
According to CNN host Carol Costello, the White House failed to sell a
health care bill that could have been embraced by the American people,
many of whom "simply don't understand" the bill. ...
In the wake of Rush Limbaugh calling a Georgetown law student a "slut,"
CNN hosted the president of the liberal National Organization for Women
who called for Limbaugh to be fired, on Monday ...