
Mass. Vote Shows Obama a Rerun of Carter

Despite media efforts, election shows Big Government could be history.

'Wonder Woman' Joins the Beck Bashing on Behar Show

'View' host's new CNN HLN show dedicates another segment to tarring conservative Fox News host Glenn Beck.

The New Gospel of Less

It was pathetic when Jimmy Carter preached it, and it's pathetic now.

To CNN, More Regulation from Treasury Isn't Worth Noting

American Morning host again cites Soros' criticism of Paulson, but is silent on anti-free market bent of possible picks.

'Early Show' Makes Carter Years Comparisons in One-Sided View of Economy

Bloomberg TV anchor appears on CBS only offering worst predictions in survey, ignoring the majority, who say no recession in 2008.

CNN's God's Christian Warriors Leaves Viewers… Scared

Reporter Amanpour says she's trying to understand Christian believers, but her special amounts to a call to arms against them.

NBC: Still Pining for Carter

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