Catherine Rampell

Media Research Center

WaPo Columnist: ‘Sex Only for Rich People’ in America

Progressive feminists don’t fall far from the eugenics tree.

New York Times Spins Obama's Tax Hikes: 'Many...Families Have No Reason to Fret'

Well, that's a relief. "President Obama’s insistence that marginal tax rates rise for families making more than $250,000 has convinced millions of affluent Americans that they are likely to be ...
Media Research Center

Romney Hit on Obama Seen as Accurate But False by NYT, But 'Fake But Accurate' Good Enough for Bush Smears

When it came to defending CBS's "60 Minutes" using phony memos to lie about Bush's Vietnam War record, the liberal media standard was "Fake But Accurate," as preserved in a New York Times ...
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