
Magazine Writer to Melinda Gates: Is Pope 'Hurting Efforts' on Women's Health By Opposing Birth Control, Abortion?

Deborah Solomon to Melinda Gates, co-chair of a foundation working for women's health in developing countries: "Do you think the pope is hurting efforts on behalf of women's health by preaching ...

Britain Trims Artistic Waste

The new coalition government in Britain has agreed on one target for spending cuts: arts spending. It would seem odd to deny hip replacements in favor of funding a nasty anti-Catholic ballet.

Newsweek Fawns Over Lady Gaga's Music Videos

Ramin Setoodeh gushes that pop starts videos have revitalized industry, ignores controversies surrounding them.

Comedy Central Special: Catholicism 'Crazy Junk,' 'Ridiculous'

Network, afraid to even mention Muhammad, airs another program bashing Catholics beliefs.

WaPo 'On Faith': Glenn Beck Using 'Same Strategy of the Hitler Youth'

Stevens-Arroyo blasts Fox commentator's position on social justice in Catholic Church.

A Year of Anti-Religious Bigotry

It's quite shocking to see a high-profile American faith take so much abuse from Hollywood and New York and other bohemian centers of America.

Chris Matthews Brow-Beats Catholic Bishop Over Abortion

MSNBC host lectures Thomas Tobin about Kennedy communion issue.

Company Mocks Catholicism to Sell Video Game

EA uses fake game ad to market 'Dante's Inferno.'

Newsweek's Lisa Miller Labels Passion of the Christ 'Anti-Semitic'

Magazine ranked Tina Fey's portrayal of Sarah Palin, the beginning of American Idol, and the death of Michael Jackson ahead of movie on list of Top 10 cultural moments in the last decade.

Moving In Mysterious Ways

Just when you would write off Hollywood, there are movies in the works that treat religion seriously - and a serious religious conversion, too.
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