
Christmas 2009: Oh Come All Ye Faithless

From naked gay pageants to Astroturf trees, it's a tough year for Christmas traditionalists.

Secular Saboteurs

Bill Donohue's new book details attacks on Christianity.

Secular Saboteurs

With his new book, "Secular Sabotage: How Liberals are Destroying Religion and Culture in America," Bill Donohue could be expected to be stricken from all manner of Christmas card lists - except ...

Networks Ignore Condom Ad That Offends Christians

ABC, CBS and NBC pass right over an outrageous story about a university condom ad featuring a famous Sistine Chapel religious painting.

Grinch-o-Meter ALERT!

Politically correct holiday nonsense is picking up steam, especially in schools.

When the Buzz Drowns Out the Music

Britney Spears mocks the Catholic confessional to sell her latest album.

Miller, the Jesus-Mocking Beer

Miller Brewing Company sponsors an attack on Christianity.

Media Turn Edwards' Shrill Blogger into Political Martyr

Presidential campaign staffer's anti-Christian remarks caused an uproar.
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