
Fact Sheet: America's Uninsured

The media repeat claims of 40 million to 50 million uninsured Americans, but facts from the Census Bureau and research organizations discredit it.

Obama Pushes Gov. Health Care; ABC Responds with 'Prescription for America' Coverage from White House

Networks balance reports on AMA speech, but ABC outrages public with week of health care coverage, 'World News,' 'GMA' to be aired from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Obama, Media Likely Wrong on 2009 Job Figures ... By May

Finding the 'glass half full,' nets and newspapers find good news about job loss, ignore failure of stimulus to halt rising unemployment.

Media Myth: Networks Ignore Trillion-Dollar Price Tag of Climate Cap Bill

Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill leaves committee while ABC, CBS, NBC remain silent.

Obama Ponzi Scheme: Forbes Calls Obama Administration Worse than Madoff

'Forbes on FOX' guests asked if Madoff's Ponzi scheme or Obama's spending plan will cause more economic damage.

CBS Keeps Misleading Viewers on Millions of Uninsured

'Evening News' cites flawed data to promote President Obama's 'action' on health care.

Misleading on Tax Cuts That "Offer Most For Very Rich"

Middle-income earners saw their taxes "edge down" by a mere....42%!
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