CBS Evening News

Media Research Center

CBS: 'Problems', 'Trouble' Still Hamper 'Revamped' ObamaCare Website

Monday's CBS Evening News and Tuesday's CBS This Morning both underlined the continuing problems with, even after the Obama administration claimed "it met its deadline to make ...
Media Research Center

ABC, NBC Ignore D.C. Insurance Commissioner's Firing; CBS Covers

Monday's CBS This Morning is the sole Big Three newscast so far to cover the firing of William P. White, a day after the now former D.C. official criticized President Obama's plan to let insurers ...
Media Research Center

CBS: Obama's 'Patch' of Insurance Cancellations 'Fell Flat'; 'Created Another Mess'

Major Garrett pointed out on Friday's CBS This Morning that the politician's Thursday "attempt to fix the problem of canceled insurance policies...fell flat", as it failed to satisfy his ...
Media Research Center

CBS Spotlights House GOP Hammering ObamaCare Managers; ABC, NBC Minimize

On Wednesday's CBS Evening News, Nancy Cordes zeroed in on the three Republican congressmen who grilled top administration officials during a hearing on ObamaCare, ballyhooing that "none of them ...
Media Research Center

ABC, CBS Notice Obama's 'Lowest Ever' Approval Rating; NBC Out to Lunch

On Tuesday, ABC's World News and CBS Evening News both reported the latest poll numbers from the "respected" Quinnipiac University, as CBS's Scott Pelley labeled the institution, regarding ...
Media Research Center

CBS: Obama White House Knew of Website's 'Limitless' Security Risks Before Launch

Sharyl Attkisson revealed on Monday's CBS Evening News that the Obama administration had prior knowledge of's numerous security flaws, but went ahead anyway with its October 1, 2013 ...
Media Research Center

Doom and Gloom CBS Wonders If It's 'Too Late' To Fix Climate Change

Scott Pelley hyped the latest United Nations global warming report on Wednesday's CBS Evening News, proclaiming that "climate scientists have never seen greenhouse gas readings like what they ...
Media Research Center

Sharyl Attkisson: Insurance 'Death Spiral' Could Cause ObamaCare's 'Collapse'

Besides facing a "credibility death spiral" on the issue of ObamaCare, as political director John Dickerson recently put it, Sharyl Attkisson pointed out on Tuesday's CBS Evening News that the ...
Media Research Center

CBS: Horror Story Discredits Obama's 'Reassuring Phrase' About Keeping Health Plans

Thursday's CBS Evening News poured cold water on President Obama's now-infamous "if you like your insurance plan, you will keep it" promise. Scott Pelley noted how the President has "repeated one ...
Media Research Center

CBS Hypes 'Split' in House GOP Between 'Staunch' Tea Party and 'Mainstream'

Monday's CBS Evening News unsurprisingly ginned up the ideological struggle inside the Republican Party as it covered the ongoing partial government shutdown. Chip Reid spun the face-off inside ...
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