
CBS: Obama 'On A Hot Streak' As He 'Scores Political Victories' in Congress

On Tuesday's CBS Early Show, substitute co-host Russ Mitchell announced that "the lame duck session of Congress could hand President Obama yet another victory" with possible passage of the START ...

CBS 'Early Show' Touts Obama's 'Big Win;' Claims He's 'The Comeback Kid'

On Saturday's Early Show fill-in co-host Russ Mitchell saw passage of the tax deal as a possible "turning point for Mr. Obama's presidency" and speculated that it was "perhaps setting the stage ...

CBS: Gay Community 'Celebrated The End of An Era' With DADT Repeal

At the top of a report on CBS's Sunday Morning, correspondent Whit Johnson proclaimed: "In San Francisco yesterday, they celebrated the end of an era. After nearly two decades, the policy of ...

Nets Tout Supporters of 'Historic' Repeal of DADT, ABC Quotes 'Stain on Our Nation Lifted'

As all the broadcast network evening newscasts on Saturday used words like "historic" and "landmark" to play up the Senate vote in favor of repealing the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy on ...

CBS: Letting Americans Keep Their Own Money = 'Holiday Gift' from Congress

On Friday's CBS Early Show, congressional correspondent Nancy Cordes reported on the passage of legislation to extend current tax rates and described it as: "an early holiday gift for every ...

Networks See Unconstitutional Ruling as 'Setback,' Not 'Victory for Liberty'

Evening and morning shows see 'roadblock' for White House, not freedom for citizens, in federal judge's decision insurance mandate is unconstitutional.

CBS's Smith: Do ObamaCare Opponents 'Have A Legal Leg to Stand On?'

On Tuesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith seemed skeptical of the legal reasoning of a federal judge who ruled part of ObamaCare was unconstitutional: "The thing that he objects to most ...

Networks Thrill Over 'Awesome,' 'Amazing Atmosphere' of Clinton and Obama Press Conference

The network morning shows on Saturday thrilled over Bill Clinton's impromptu return to the White House. Commenting on the ex-President and Barack Obama's appearance on Friday to promote the tax ...

CBS's Stahl Worries 'Mr. Hell No' John Boehner Will Be A 'Hardline Conservative' Speaker

Introducing her interview with presumptive Speaker of the House John Boehner on Sunday's 60 Minutes, CBS correspondent Lesley Stahl proclaimed: "...which John Boehner will show up as speaker, the ...

NBC Turns on Obama: Tax Deal a "Disaster in the Making"

Vol. 23, No. 25
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