
CBS: Eric Holder 'Ignoring Political Pressure;' Given 'Hero's Welcome' After Bush 'Cronyism'

In a puff piece on Attorney General Eric Holder on CBS's Sunday Morning, correspondent Rita Braver praised his professionalism: "...ignoring political pressure is Holder's constant message as he ...

CBS Early Show Promotes Palin-Bashing Vanity Fair Article

On Thursday's CBS Early Show, fill-in co-host Erica Hill interviewed Vanity Fair reporter Michael Joseph Gross about his article slamming Sarah Palin with outlandish accusations: "...we've watched ...

CBS's Smith Excuses Obama For Not Crediting Bush With Iraq Troop Surge

On Wednesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith served as an apologist for President Obama, who failed to credit President George W. Bush with the Iraq troop surge in an Oval Office address ...

Labeling Contrast: Beck a 'Controversial Conservative,' Al Sharpton Just an 'Activist'

Just like NBC and ABC, CBS's Early Show had a hostile take Friday morning on Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally. All three networks labeled Beck as "conservative," with CBS calling him a ...

Levi Johnston Recants Apology to Palins, CBS Rewards with Four-Minute 'Exclusive'

Continuing their obsession with the credibility-challenged Levi Johnston, CBS's The Early Show on Friday devoted more than four minutes to an "exclusive" interview with the "reality star" and how ...

ABC, CBS: Did 'Heightened Fear and Prejudice' of Ground Zero Mosque Prompt NYC Violence?

ABC's Good Morning America and CBS's Early Show on Thursday both speculated as to whether the stabbing of a New York City cabbie was prompted by a climate of anti-Islamic anger. At the same time, ...

How Convenient: CBS Asks Pro-Stimulus Economist to Rate the Stimulus

On Thursday's Early Show, CBS invited pro-stimulus economist Mark Zandi to rate the effectiveness of Obama's $862 billion stimulus. "The recession ended about a year ago, in large part because of ...

Networks Skim Over White House Oil Claim: 'Vast Majority' of Spill is Gone

Obama administration claims roughly 75 percent of the oil had been removed, networks air few stories disputing that assertion.

The Real Moderate Islam: Media Ignore Muslim Opposition to Ground Zero Mosque

Mosque critics Miss USA, Zhudi Jasser and Al-Arabiya director disregarded by networks.
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