
Ann Coulter Takes on Palin-Bashing Media on CBS Early Show

Appearing on Friday's CBS Early Show to discuss the release of Sarah Palin's book, 'Going Rogue,' author Ann Coulter told co-host Harry Smith: "[John] McCain...was the media's favorite Republican. ...

President Endorses 'Health Care' Bill and Violates Tax Pledge

House bill includes tax hikes on people making less than $250,000; networks say nothing.

PC News: Networks Downplay Terrorism, Muslim Connection in Ft. Hood Attack

All three networks mention 'terror' only after Obama hints at ideology during funeral ceremony.

CBS Reporter Laments Economic Downturn After Fall of Berlin Wall

Reporting for CBS Sunday Morning, correspondent Mark Phillips marked the 20th anniversary of the fall the Berlin Wall by noting the economic difficulty East Germany has faced in the aftermath: "It ...

CBS's Schieffer on Ft. Hood Shooting: There Are 'Christian Nuts' Too

On Sunday's Face the Nation on CBS, host Bob Schieffer tried to provide some perspective on the Fort Hood shooting, committed by an Islamic extremist: "It's looking more and more like he was just, ...

ABC's Diane Sawyer Repeats Concern of Wishing Muslim Shooter's 'Name was Smith'; All Three Networks ID Hasan's Faith

All three morning shows on Friday identified the man who killed 12 at an Army base in Texas as a Muslim. However, Good Morning America's Diane Sawyer repeated a concern from Thursday's World News: ...

CBS's Smith: Edward R. Murrow 'Bold,' 'Gutsy'; Joe McCarthy A 'Bully'

Thursday's CBS Early Show looked back at 1954 as part of its 'Time Machine' series, with co-host Harry Smith praising former CBS anchor Edward R. Murrow for taking on Senator Joseph McCarthy: ...

Ford Had a Better Idea: No Bailout

As U.S. car manufacturer 'stuns' Wall Street with 3Q profits, some media forget to report Ford didn't take government cash.

Still Whalin' on Palin: CBS Helps Levi Johnston Smear Sarah

Network gives 'white-trash idiot' four interviews in two days to discredit former vice-presidential candidate.

CBS Hosts Discuss 'Insurgent,' 'Orthodox Conservative' in NY-23 Race

While analyzing the off-year elections across the country on Tuesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith asked Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer about the New York 23rd congressional race: ...
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