
The Question is Infidelity

CBS's Katie Couric gives us insight into how the presidential candidates view character.

60 Minutes Salutes Homosexuals in Uniform

CBS correspondent Lesley Stahl devotes 10 minutes in a 12 minute segment to arguments in favor of homosexuals serving openly in the United States military.

The Medias Top 10 Economic Myths of 2007

Compiled by the Business and Media Institute

CBS Seeking 'Irreverent,' 'Hip' Journalist for Eco-Beat (No Knowledge Required)

Job advertisement seeking 'wicked smart, funny, irreverent and hip, oozing enthusiasm and creative energy.'

Economy Grew More than We Knew, but Networks Barely Notice

CBS, NBC do find time to report Bush administration's reduced growth forecast.

'Hannah Montana Scandal': CBS Whines about Ticket Cost

Reporter claims she can't take kids to show because of price, so regulation must be the answer.

Networks: Holiday Sales No Reason for 'Ho, Ho, Ho'

CBS continues trend as most downbeat of network newscasts for economic coverage.

CBS 'The Early Show' Tells Only Half of the Devalued Dollar Story

Business correspondent Anthony Mason neglects weak dollar's positive effect on exports and idea that it may be undervalued.

CBS Features Drastic City Plan to Slim Down Residents

Forget personal responsibility, it's all about fast food restaurants.
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