
Washington Post Says Health Care 'Rationing' Shouldn't be Dirty Word

Staff writer argues U.S. care delivered in 'haphazard, even illogical, way.'

Snyderman, Connolly Declare It Their Duty to 'Raise' Bar on ObamaCare Debate

MSNBC's 'Dr. Nancy' and Washington Post staff writer maintain it is 'incumbent upon' journalists to steer the dialogue of the health care discussion.

WaPo: Bush Pro-Life Regs Onerous, Ideologically Offensive

Reporters quote a former Clinton official accusing the Reagan and Bush administrations of establishing the Mexico City Policy, which limits the promotion of abortion by government-funded groups, ...

Post Writer Says 'Gay Plague' Is Fault of 'Homophobia'

Is lung cancer the fault of tobaccophobes?
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