Too Little, Too Late - Media Discover Mercury in Fluorescent Bulbs

Journalists' beloved 'eco-friendly' lights now considered more dangerous than originally thought, after government mandate required their use.

'Today' Lights Up Your Life with Puff Piece on Replacing Bulbs

Vieira changes one light bulb in her house, praises government mandate for compact fluorescents, and forgets to mention her big boss profits from their sale.

Evening Newscasts Not Sure Energy Bill is Enough

ABC's Gibson wonders if epic energy bill will go far enough in regulating Americans' energy use; NBC relies on one-sided experts to praise it.

USA Today Praises Bill's Dimming of Incandescents

Reporter ignores environmental and financial downsides of high-tech light bulbs.

The Dangers of Those Energy-Saving Light Bulbs

Energy-saving device advocated by Al Gore to 'reduce your carbon impact at home' poses mercury dangers and health risks.
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