Charles Gibson

Media Research Center

What They Said Then: How the Liberal Media Savaged Reagan

Thursday marks the 10th anniversary of President Ronald Reagan’s passing and a look through the MRC’s archives shows during his presidency many in the liberal media couldn’t withhold their ...
Media Research Center

Ex-ABC Anchor Gibson Asserts Romney Forced ‘Far To the Right’ and Calls Anti-Tax Pledge ‘Absurd’

Demonstrating that he would have made the same news judgments hostile to Mitt Romney as those who succeeded him at ABC News, in an address Thursday night to students at Quinnipiac University, ...
Media Research Center

The MRC@25: The Worst Media Bias of 2007

The worst bias of 2007: ABC fawns over newly-installed Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi; Rosie O’Donnell insults the troops; and a McClatchy headline writer finds a downside to good news in ...
Media Research Center

A Rush to Ruin

Democrats inside and outside the Obama White House have declared a Public Enemy Number One, and it isn’t some vague concept like Poverty or Terrorism or Cancer. It’s a radio talk show host named ...

'World News' Blasts Medicare Competitors in One-Sided Story

ABC continues to make case for public-controlled health care, this time by bashing private Medicare plans and scaring seniors.

ABC Calls Socialized Medicine 'System That Works'

Three consecutive nights 'World News' pushes universal coverage agenda with patriotism, one-sided experts and biased ABC doctor.

$200 Million Mortgage Plan Not Enough for Networks

Media criticize Bush plan, calling for even more 'relief' from government for irresponsible borrowers.

Networks Give More Time to Democratic Critics of Blackwater 'Mercenaries'

Both CBS and NBC also overlook the $100 million saved by hiring private contractor versus the government providing security through State Department.
Media Research Center

ABC’s Charles Gibson, Conventional Liberal

Charles Gibson, ABC’s longtime co-host of Good Morning America was tapped to replace Elizabeth Vargas as solo anchor of World News Tonight, starting May 29, 2006. On his morning show, and as a ...

Notable Quotables - 10/18/1999

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