9/30/2011 4:11 PM ET
Networks ignore anti-American policies, human rights violations of Venezuelan dictator
6/25/2008 4:09 PM ET
'The Early Show' blames speculators for high prices again, and suggests countries like Venezuela 'doing a much better job.'
3/26/2008 10:39 AM ET
Americans worried about gas prices should look overseas to the supply-controlling cartel. Here's a peek inside.
3/19/2008 4:38 PM ET
Media ignore OPECs control of oil market when covering Americas pain at the pump.
6/19/2007 4:58 PM ET
Dictator has seized private business assets, but magazine finds silver lining despite country's woes.
5/16/2007 2:20 PM ET
Despite his threat to American business interests, Hugo Chavez is still the 'friendly' darling of the network news.
2/1/2007 5:42 PM ET
Media continue pattern of bypassing Venezuelan dictator's threats against the West.
1/15/2007 4:44 PM ET
Media continue to ignore or downplay significance of socialist Chavez's control of oil reserves.