NBC News senior White House correspondent Chris Jansing did her best to provide some White House spin during Wednesday’s NBC Nightly News, hailing President Obama as “an energized, combative ...
Ahead of President Obama’s State of the Union address on Tuesday, the networks offered previews of his speech during their Monday evening newscasts with ABC and NBC working particularly hard to ...
Following the lead of ABC and CBS from Thursday morning, NBC Nightly News cheered President Barack Obama’s newest initiative that would require private businesses “to ...
Friday's NBC Nightly News enthusiastically promoted President
Obama's proposal to provide "free" community college education, to the
tune of $60 billion over ten years. Brian Williams hyped ...
Ahead of President Obama’s speech on immigration on Thursday night, the major broadcast networks all did their parts to push the arguments in favor of his executive amnesty ranging from a whole ...
On Wednesday night, CBS and NBC promoted the White House talking point that previous presidential actions on immigration gives President Barack Obama the proper legal authority to enact executive ...
On Thursday night, NBC Nightly News played up the current political state of affairs in Washington as both Republicans and Democrats having “dug in” to their policy preferences, but focused only ...
On Thursday's NBC Today, White House correspondent Chris Jansing blamed Republicans for upsetting the supposed conciliatory mood in Washington following Tuesday's GOP midterm wave: "Well, what ...
Following a segment that aired during Sunday night’s NBC Nightly News on President Obama’s unpopularity ahead of the midterm elections, the evening news program ran two more midterm election ...
Glossing over the vulnerability of Democratic candidates in the upcoming midterm election, a story on Friday's NBC Today downplayed President Obama's unpopularity and instead touted him jetting to ...