The media took the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington to slam Republicans and conservatives as racist for daring to oppose President Obama's policies, with the Associated ...
Appearing on MSNBC's All In show on Wednesday, August 28, MSNBC's Chris Matthews called it a "great irony" that only two Republican Senators opposed the 1965 Voting Rights Act, an implicit ...
For Chris Matthews, every day is a good day to attack President Obama’s critics as racists, but the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington was an especially opportune time. During MSNBC’s ...
Extreme liberal Chris Matthews may be losing his 5pm time slot, but he isn't going quietly. On Tuesday's Hardball, Matthews sneered that House Republicans who are attempting to defund ObamaCare ...
Filling in for Andrea Mitchell on her 1 p.m. et MSNBC show on Monday, Hardball
host Chris Matthews wrapped up an interview with Democratic National
Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz by ...
MSNBC froths over RNC Chairman Reince Preibus' suggestion that debates among Republican presidential candidates shouldn't be moderated by news organizations with an obvious pro-Democratic bias, ...
Hardball anchor Chris Matthews on Tuesday unleashed a massive understatement. Talking about the Republican National Committee and Chairman Reince Priebus's decision to boycott NBC if the network ...
Getting ready for this fall's showdowns over the budget, ObamaCare funding and the debt ceiling, Obama's footsoldiers at MSNBC start viciously attacking the Tea Party and conservatives as ...
Angry liberal Chris Matthews on Wednesday foamed at Republican Senators Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Rand Paul, deriding the conservatives at "terrorists." The Hardball anchor repeated the smear over ...
A bitter Chris Matthews on Monday compared Republican efforts with voter ID laws to apartheid in South Africa. Talking to civil rights leader Wade Henderson, Matthews introduced his sneering ...