Former Newsweek editor Howard Fineman on Monday's Hardball
compared the Republican vice presidential candidate to a congressman
who is under fire for discussing what makes a "legitimate rape." ...
It didn't take long for the liberal media to falsely rip Paul Ryan as a mean-spirited budget "slasher," a "zombie-eyed granny starver" whose plan would "screw people who desperately need Medicare ...
Chris Matthews on Wednesday went to embarrassing lengths as he struggled
to explain away a gaffe by the Vice President, offering tortured,
confusing logic to defend Joe Biden's "chains" ...
Liberal MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews, who previously linked Sarah Palin and Michele Bachman to the attempted killing of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, completely ignored the shooting of a ...
A cartoonish Chris Matthews on Tuesday managed to mangle a historical
analogy and spew liberal propaganda at the same time as he offered this
ridiculous assessment of Paul Ryan: "This guy ...
Liberal MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews on Monday revealed his favorite
campaign ad of 2012: The outrageous commercial that features Congressman
Paul Ryan murdering an elderly woman by throwing ...
On a special Saturday edition of Hardball, MSNBC host Chris Matthews twice claimed that Republican Rep. Paul Ryan's budget "screws" needy people. During a segment with Democratic Rep. Chris Van ...
MSNBC will be producing campaign documentaries on Barack Obama and Mitt
Romney. Romney's special will be hosted by Republican skeptic Chuck
Todd. Obama's doc will be in the hands of liberal ...
The so-called "mainstream" media do the Obama campaign's bidding: slashing at Mitt Romney on his tax returns; touting supposed "missteps" made on his foreign trip; and trumpeting Newsweek's sleazy ...
In 24 hours, the media went from trashing John Roberts as an extremist who would be "villainized" throughout history if he voted to overturn ObamaCare, to a "hero" -- "the man of the hour," who ...