Chris Matthews mocked Republicans on Friday's Hardball over their hawkish stance towards Boko Haram, the Nigerian Islamist group that recently kidnapped hundreds of girls. Matthews made a ...
MSNBC's Chris Matthews slammed Republican policies like voter ID laws
and a special investigation of the Benghazi attacks as an "insidious
plan" that could backfire like "Watergate." "Let me ...
According to MSNBC's Chris Matthews, Republicans are using Benghazi like
a "voodoo doll" against Hillary Clinton by establishing a select
committee of Congress to investigate the attacks. On ...
MSNBC's Chris Matthews ranted on Thursday's Hardball that "it's
a ridiculous" to hold the Obama administration culpable for the lack of
security around the Benghazi compound during the ...
Barack Obama may have given Chris Matthews a "thrill" up his leg, but the MSNBC host is pretty excited about Hillary Clinton in 2016. Matthews is so worked up that on Monday night wondered if ...
In spite of a dysfunctional Web site and millions of Americans who have lost their health insurance and/or face higher premiums and sky-high deductibles, the media crown President Obama "the ...
Chris Matthews did his best on Wednesday to get Jimmy Carter to fulsomely endorse Hillary Clinton for president in 2016, but just couldn't quite get a satisfying answer. In an interview on ...
On Thursday's Hardball, host Chris Matthews and guest Joan
Walsh disparaged conservatives who disputed the administration's
ObamaCare enrollment numbers "birthers" and "truthers." "What can ...
When the Supreme Court heard arguments that ObamaCare's contraceptive mandate violates religious freedom, network journalists framed it using a feminist prism, with ABC's Diane Sawyer saying the ...
MSNBC's Luke Russert expects that if Republicans nominate a conservative such as Ted Cruz or Rand Paul, "the GOP is going to have their 2016 Barry Goldwater moment," while CNN morning anchor Chris ...