
Matthews Compares Conservative Cartoon for Kids to Cambodian Re-Education, Mao Propaganda

Former Arkansas Governor and possible 2012 presidential candidate Mike Huckabee has produced a cartoon series that offers a decidedly conservative alternative to the typical liberal bilge that ...

Chris Matthews: 'Shameless,' 'Nasty' Newt Gingrich Robs 'Joy and Humanity' Like Freddy Krueger

A frothing Chris Matthews on Thursday excoriated the "nasty," "shameless" Newt Gingrich for robbing "the political arena of joy and humanity." Matthews even compared Gingrich to horror movie ...

Chris Matthews Dreams Up Silly GOP Debate Questions: Do You 'Fundamentalist' Christians Hate Science?

Chris Matthews apparently misses moderating Republican debates and hectoring the candidates with bizarre questions. On Thursday's Hardball, the cable anchor dreamed up hypothetical queries he ...

While Hyping Barack Obama's Killing of bin Laden, Chris Matthews Lashes Out at 'Sadist' Dick Cheney

On Tuesday's Hardball, while praising President Obama's handling of the killing of Osama bin Laden, MSNBC's Chris Matthews excoriated Dick Cheney as a "sadist."

On Osama's Death Day, Chris Matthews Waits Just 43 Seconds to Launch Into Another Birther Rant

Chris Matthews' obsession with birthers didn't take a break on the day after the killing of Osama bin Laden. Only 43 seconds into Monday's show on the terrorist, the Hardball anchor connected, ...

Chris Matthews Smears: 'Haters' Now 'Have a Party to Call All Their Own, the GOP'

MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews on Thursday continued to obsess over his favorite issue, the birthers. He excoriated the Republican Party, smearing that the "haters" now "have a party to call all ...

Ex-Newsweek Editor Howard Fineman: GOP Plan Says 'Screw You' to Younger Voters

Former Newsweek editor Howard Fineman on Monday spun Paul Ryan's blueprint for reforming Medicare as saying to younger Americans "screw you." Appearing on MSNBC's Hardball, the senior politics ...

Chris Matthews Trashes Tea Partiers: They Want to Cut Medicaid Because It Helps the 'Poor' and 'Minorities'

For the second day in a row, MSNBC's Chris Matthews excoriated the Tea Party, trashing them as supporting cuts in Medicaid because that's a program for "poor people." On Thursday's Hardball, ...
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