Good Morning America's Claire Shipman on Tuesday delivered a one-sided report on unemployment benefits and the fact that they end after 99 weeks. Reporting on those who have reached the limit, the ...
Good Morning America's Claire Shipman on Wednesday continued to tout the "storybook" nature of Al and Tipper Gore's failed marriage, reminiscing, "Al and Tipper. Tipper and Al. Their very ...
Good Morning America's Claire Shipman on Wednesday highlighted "enraged" and "livid" health care protesters, but mostly offered examples of angry liberals lobbying for a bill. After video of ...
On Friday's Good Morning America, Claire Shipman gushed over Elizabeth Edwards as a "smart, passionate, sometimes fierce woman with many different sides to her personality." She lauded the wife of ...
Good Morning America's Claire Shipman on Thursday highlighted Keith Olbermann's slam of Pat Robertson as "the devil" for comments he made about the earthquake in Haiti. Co-host also George ...
According to ABC correspondent Claire Shipman, the botched Olympic bid by Barack Obama is actually a "good" thing for the President. Writing an online column for True/Slant, Shipman bizarrely ...
Is the presidential-level treatment of Ted Kennedy's passing warranted? The amount of coverage isn't the problem; it's the quality of the reporting that bothers.
ABC's Chris Cuomo and Claire Shipman on Thursday marked the tenth anniversary of the death of "the prince of Camelot," John F. Kennedy Jr., lamenting the loss of such strong presidential talent. ...
In what seemed a campaign commercial for Judge Sonia Sotomayor's Supreme Court nomination, ABC's Claire Shipman on Wednesday narrated an "exclusive" profile of Sotomayor's brother about his ...
On Sunday's This Week, ABC correspondent Claire Shipman claimed it would be "very hard"" for Republicans to label Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor a liberal. That was too much even for ...