
Media Research Center

"Intransigent" Republicans vs. "Just Perfect" Obama

Vol. 24, No. 25

MSNBC's 'News' Anchors Launch Left-Wing Broadsides After Obama Presser

If you thought MSNBC saved its left-wing agitating for prime time, you'd be wrong. Shortly after President Obama's press conference on Friday, 11am ET anchor Thomas Roberts framed a question about ...

Reuters Editor Shrieks: Tax 'Lucky Sperm Club' to Break 'Landed Gentry'

For Chrystia Freeland, the thought of only taxing wealthy estates 35 percent is "destructive to the fabric of America." The Reuters global editor-at-large went on a ear-piercing tear on the ...

ABC Blames 'Decline of Organized Labor' for Income Stagnation

Reporter Ray Sanchez gives ample story space to SEIU union rep and member, avoids criticism of unions.

Class Warfare: Government vs. Everybody Else

Media helped promote Obama attacks on 'fat cat bankers,' while federal employees earn 76 percent more than private sector.

Maddow Frustrated by Lower Goldman Sachs Tax Rate, Despite Losses

MSNBC host accuses investment bank of hiding money offshore to get 1 percent tax rate.

ABC's Ross Blasts Swiss Bank for Sponsoring Art Show

'World News' investigative reporter attends 'lavish art festival' to attack UBS.

CBS Slams Wall Street Bonuses, Stokes Class War Rhetoric

Worried bailout money may go to reward top workers, 'Early Show' story features 'unhappy' Barney Frank.

Post Pulitzer Winner: Ignore CEOs, Treat Them 'Like Social and Political Pariahs'

Business columnist Steven Pearlstein says he advocates pursuing class envy, admits to ignoring CEOs in his reporting.

'Super Rich:' The New Code for Media Disapproval

Journalists don't hedge about opposition to America's new wealthy.
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