Climate Change
5/20/2015 8:54 AM ET
Networks focus on drought and its impact, but ignore environmental regulations complicating crisis.
5/11/2015 1:44 PM ET
British paper promotes its own campaign demanding Gates Foundation divest from fossil fuels.
5/5/2015 8:00 AM ET
The not-so-green habits of Hollywood gasbags
4/3/2015 8:40 AM ET
‘Murrow Boy’ Howard K. Smith also feared ice age, cited scientists and called their arguments ‘pretty convincing.’
3/26/2015 9:04 AM ET
Climate alarmists claim involvement of ‘science deniers’ and fossil fuel industry compromises ‘integrity’ of institutions.
3/20/2015 11:06 AM ET
Politicians send ‘chilling’ requests for funding information to academics, non-profits and corporations because of differing climate views.
3/18/2015 11:20 AM ET
Climate Connections criticizes meat, claims insects are more environmentally friendly so people should ‘get past the gag reflex.’
3/12/2015 10:00 AM ET
HBO’s Vice airs hit job on ‘climate deniers,’ pushing catastrophic ice melt theme.
3/6/2015 8:49 AM ET
2015 winter storms frequently linked by journalists to ‘manmade climate
3/5/2015 7:52 AM ET
‘Legendary journalist’ and CBS news anchor shared ‘bad news’ about cold during ‘70s cooling scare.