climate skepticism

Media Research Center

‘Hulk’ Mark Ruffalo: ‘I Get Angry’ that There is a Debate Over Climate Change

Actor and director bellows against climate skepticism, fracking, sets 100 percent renewable energy goal by 2050.
Media Research Center

The Climate Conference Networks Hardly Acknowledge

Heartland Institute’s Tenth International Conference on Climate Change is June 11-12.
Media Research Center

New York Times ‘Best Evidence’ For Global Warming Melting Since 1700s

Alaska’s Muir Glacier photos used by newspaper to decry worldwide glacial melt, ignores Muir’s history.
Media Research Center

After Years of Threats, Prominent Climate Alarmists Still Seek to Jail Climate ‘Deniers’

Journalists and scientists called for ‘Nuremberg’ style trials, imprisonment, even death penalty.
Media Research Center

5 Cool Ways to Remind Senators How Biased Media Are on Climate

CEI’s Horner provides three key questions for journalists if they want a more detailed debate.
Media Research Center

Networks Embrace ‘Catastrophic’ Warnings of Latest IPCC Report

ABC swipes at skeptics, while CBS airs ‘irresponsible’ claim about temperatures rising 212 degrees.
Media Research Center

Eco-Terrorists Attack Conservatives in New Film

 Enviro film ‘Greedy Lying Bastards’ opens in more theaters after box office flop. 
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