6/26/2013 12:39 PM ET
President announces ‘sweeping’ plan that would punish power plants, but hardly a hint of criticism on networks.
5/7/2013 12:12 PM ET
3-hour C-SPAN interview, argues ‘bunch of evidence’ that global warming ‘not
necessarily true.’
11/2/2012 3:08 PM ET
suspects Sandy’s devastation magnified by global warming
9/27/2012 10:19 AM ET
Carson’s ‘Silent Spring’ turns 50 only a few years after reversal of DDT ban.
7/6/2012 10:32 AM ET
Tells Oil CEO he could go down in history as ‘man who destroyed the future.’
6/22/2012 2:55 PM ET
Media ignore how UN Conference on Sustainable Development a
waste of carbon.
6/22/2012 2:38 PM ET
Criticized president for not attending Rio+10, ignored Obama’s refusal to attend Rio+20.
6/22/2012 10:34 AM ET
Call for ‘99% of citizens to stand up for future for what they want.’
10/13/2011 5:04 PM ET
Liberal billionaire behind left-wing organizations and media celebrating anti-capitalist protests.
7/7/2011 7:44 PM ET
Writer laments American media's 'balanced reporting,' despite their huge bias towards climate alarmism.