CNBC's Burnett Downplays Senator's Opposition to Auto Bailout

'Street Signs' host says Banking Committee ranking Republican knows bailout will probably happen.

Analysis: Ford CEO 'Green' Road Trip to Cost $23,000 in Lost Wages

CNBC's Macke determines pricetag of Mulally trip from Detroit to Washington via hybrid vehicle a total of $23,485.

Networks Back Big Three Bailout

As with mortgage bailout, broadcast news outlets support government rescue of failing auto makers.

It's Not an Auto Bailout, It's a Union Payoff

Democratic leaders, media push for more cash to help liberal voting bloc.

Will Obamanomics Spike Unemployment in 2009?

Small business owners fear higher taxes and health care mandates.

Journalists Credit Obama for Stock Gains, Ignore Losses

News media apply double standard to president-elect's influence on market fluctuations.

Krugman: Government Should Spend $600 Billion to Solve Economic Woes

Nobel Prize-winning NY Times columnist tells CNBC government should allocate 4 percent of GDP for 'stimulus.'

CNBC Contributor Proposes Higher Taxes on Cheap Energy

Mesirow Financial chief economist suggests creating artificial demand for expensive alternative fuels if oil prices drop too low.

New York Times: Proposition 8 Hurts California Business

Newspaper claims shutting down the same-sex weddings will deepen economic crisis, doesn't mention that 'huge' impact is less than three-tenths of a percent of the state's deficit.

Cramer: Stop Deporting Illegal Aliens to Solve Housing Woes

'Mad Money' host details roadmap to financial fix: bail out automakers, utilize more natural gas, end deportations.
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