CNBC's Cramer: Media Wrong on Causes of Oil Prices

'Mad Money' host says supply and demand responsible, not minor global incidents often reported by media, traders.

CNBC Anchor: Obama Relies on 'The Almighty Ronald Reagan' about Taxes

Caruso-Cabrera knocks Democratic campaign for 'dump(ing) all over the Republicans,' but citing GOP president to support economic plans.

CNBC Anchor Ask Obama Advisor 'What Would Milton (Friedman) Do?'

Obama advisor who teaches where Friedman one taught attempts to defend raising taxes on 'Squawk Box.'

CNBC Blog Credits Obama with Oil Drop

Author claims victory could knock $40 a barrel off cost, but he's a Democrat donor and other experts disagree.

A Year Later -- CNBC's Cramer Called It

Network's resident loose cannon and 'Mad Money' host ranting predictions came true at least in part.

NBC Slams Exxon's 'Out of Line' Profits

'Nightly News' and 'Today' team up to attack oil earnings, ignore billions of dollars in taxes paid.

CNBC's Burnett Gives Schumer Free Pass on IndyMac Bank Run

'Street Signs' host claims senior senator from New York 'wishes he was powerful enough as being able to cause a run on a bank.'

Barney Frank Opposes Offshore Drilling For Fishing Industry

Connecticut congressman tells CNBC oil exploration would harm integral part of his district's economy, but ignores economic boost drilling provides in Louisiana.

Good News on NBC: Texas Economy Booming Under Oil Rush

'Nightly News' segment details how economy is flourishing and says boom 'could pay off nationwide.'

CNBC's Gasparino Fires Back at Rumor-Mongering Allegations

The business network's on-air editor calls the idea that rumors toppled Bear Stearns a product of 'ill-informed' media.
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