CNN Touts Conservative-Bashing Kathleen Parker as 'Conservative'

CNN's new, gentle version of "Crossfire" will pit "Democrat" and disgraced former governor Eliot Spitzer against "conservative" columnist Kathleen Parker, according to the Times' unbalanced ...

Media Blackout of Supreme Court "Battle"

MRC Analysis: ABC, CBS and NBC Virtually Ignore Kagan Controversies; No Soundbites from Conservative Groups

TV Journalists Praise Obama's 'Brilliant' Handling of McChrystal Controversy

President Obama's decision to relieve General Stanley McChrystal of command in Afghanistan and replace him with General David Petraeus was met with a chorus of praise in the media, as anchors and ...

Zoinks! Media Shocked by Study Showing Kids Prefer Cartoon-Endorsed Products

CNN, USA Today report 'little research' done about character-based marketing, call for regulation and omit parental responsibility

CNN Airs Gushing Two-Part Report on 'Powerhouse' Anti-Prop 8 Lawyers

CNN senior political analyst Gloria Borger returned to her roots as a slanted journalist on Wednesday's Newsroom with a glowing two-part report on Ted Olson and David Boies, the former rivals in ...

CNN's Sanchez Highlights 'Big Oil' Cash to Republicans, Omits Obama

On Wednesday's Rick's List, CNN's Rick Sanchez twice highlighted how "several Republicans want to keep the cap on what oil companies pay for spills at $75 million" and how apparently that's about ...
Media Research Center

Christiane Amanpour

In August 2010, Christiane Amanpour took the helm of ABC's This Week. Amanpour is married to ex-Clinton State Department spokesman Jamie Rubin, who also advised Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential ...

CNN's Don Lemon Acts as Helen Thomas Apologist in Fleischer Interview

CNN anchor Don Lemon repeatedly defended rabidly anti-Israel columnist Helen Thomas as he interviewed Ari Fleischer late in the 7 pm Eastern hour of Sunday's Newsroom. After playing Thomas's ...

CNN's Obama Interview: LeBron, McCartney In; Sestak, Economy Out

CNN's Larry King completely left out the major topic of the White House's continuing obfuscation on the Sestak and Romanoff controversies and barely mentioned the economy during his interview of ...

CNN's Griffin to Reich on Idea to Seize BP: 'Illegal;' 'Smacks of Venezuela'

On Wednesday's Rick's List, CNN's Drew Griffin pressed former Clinton administration official Robert Reich on his call for a federal takeover of BP and its efforts against the Gulf oil leak. ...
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