The Nanny State Diaries

Nine of the most business-hurting, freedom-hating and logic-bending regulations and bans on the books - and how the media love them.

Media Avert Eyes as Obama Caught in Infanticide Deception

The candidate accused the National Right to Life Committee of lying about his record, but admitted the next day they were telling the truth.

Oops: CNN Contributor Gets Oil Estimate Wrong By 19 Billion Barrels

Writer Steve Hargreaves tells viewers exploration and drilling would have a 'negligible' difference because there are 'maybe a million barrels offshore.'

CNN: Plastic Surgery Under the Knife Because of Economy

'American Morning' warns economic downturn has led to decline of cosmetic procedures.

Edwards Affair Rules the News Cycle for Three Days

After weeks of ignoring the story, networks can't stop talking about it.

CNN, Time Give Traction to Obama's Tire Exaggeration

Journalists use stretched data and low oil estimates in defense of Democratic presidential candidate's air pressure substitute for drilling.

Oil War: The Media Crusade

Broadcast journalists have attacked oil industry for years over 'mind-boggling' profits, wanting to expand drilling and for funding global warming 'contrarians.'

Kerry: 'Al-Qaida Leadership is More Capable of Attacking Today' than on 9/11

Senator proposes $7.5 billion in 'non-military' aid; says 'winning the war of ideas' against al-Qaida important to climate change, AIDS.

Second Minimum Wage Hike Not 'Enough' for the Media

Journalists from broadcast networks, CNN and AP inflate number of minimum-wage workers and complain wages still aren't high enough.

CNN Omits Democrats' Efforts to Prevent Drilling Vote

'American Morning' call Democrat majority's refusal to have an up-or-down vote on offshore drilling a 'partisan standoff.'
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