Media Negative throughout Nearly Four Years of Job Growth

By predicting job losses, focusing on layoffs and ignoring job revisions the media have cast a pall over the U.S. economy.

'American Morning' Praises Disgusting 'Produce Paradise' Music Video

CNN's Chetry applauds it for 'pretty good editing,' despite outlandish attack on business.

God's Warriors Interviewee Says CNN Misrepresented Him and His Family

Christiane Amanpour reported her preconceived biases about Christians, rather than the facts.

CNN on Sub-Prime Mortgage Problems: Where is Personal Responsibility?

'Your $$$$$' has a new name, but keeps up the anti-business theme.

CNN's God's Christian Warriors Leaves Viewers… Scared

Reporter Amanpour says she's trying to understand Christian believers, but her special amounts to a call to arms against them.

CNN: Unsafe Sex, Pregnancy the Fault of Smaller Government

Network concerned that deficit reduction eliminated federally subsidized birth control for college students.

CNN's Upcoming Miniseries Equates Christian Activists with Taliban?

Politicking for family values just isn't the same as sending homicide bombers into crowded marketplaces.

Media Criticism of Murdoch Almost Killed Wall Street Journal Bid

New York Post says attacks 'normally leveled at a genocidal tyrant' 'almost squashed the deal.'

A "Surprise"? Internet-Savvy GOP'ers Want a YouTube Debate

Plus: Andrew Sullivan, "conservative"? Since when?

CBS, NBC Worry About Stock 'Plunge,' Other Media Less Frightened

CNBC, FOX and CNN offer the rest of the economic picture
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