Media Research Center

America No Better 'Morally' than Our Enemies; Gruber Scandal Just a Big 'Nothing Burger'

The networks pounced on a partisan Senate Democratic report to blast the CIA's conduct of the War on Terror during the Bush-era, while rejecting as a "sideshow" and a "nothing burger" the current ...
Media Research Center

Carol Costello: Campus Rape Issue Takes 'Ugly Turn' With Lena Dunham Critics

Carol Costello, who got a kick out of the assault on Bristol Palin, lamented on Thursday's CNN Newsroom that "the national conversation surrounding sexual assault on campus has taken kind of ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Cooper Hounds NYC Police Union Head About 'Inherent Bias' on Race

CNN's Anderson Cooper forwarded common liberal talking points on race on the Monday and Tuesday editions of his program. During a two-part interview of Patrick Lynch, the president of the union ...
Media Research Center

Don Lemon Spars With Tavis Smiley Over Obama's Handling of Race

Don Lemon rushed to President Obama's defense on Monday's CNN Tonight, after guest Tavis Smiley attacked the Democrat from the left over supposedly not doing enough to help blacks. Smiley ...
Media Research Center

Fox News Airs 55 Minutes of Live Gruber Hearing Coverage, CNN and MSNBC? 0 Seconds

Tuesday’s congressional hearing that featured Jonathan Gruber being grilled about his controversial ObamaCare remarks was carried live by Fox News for 54 minutes, and 53 seconds. CNN and MSNBC ...
Media Research Center

Predictable CNN Suggests Tea Party Could Destroy GOP

On Sunday, CNN’s Inside Politics spent several minutes hyping the supposed headache Tea Partiers could give GOP leadership despite the Republican Party winning their 54th Senate seat following ...
Media Research Center

CNN Spends 26 Seconds on Bridgegate Report Clearing Christie; Devoted 8.5 hours on First Day of Allegations

Back in January, when the Bridgegate scandal surfaced, CNN offered wall-to-wall coverage totaling just over eight hours and 35 minutes of coverage on its first full day and featured the Republican ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Lemon Wonders If 'Hands Up, Don't Shoot' is A 'False Narrative'

On Monday's CNN Tonight, Don Lemon refreshingly pointed out a problematic component of the Ferguson protests. Former police officer David Klinger pointed out that "all the forensic evidence ...
Media Research Center

CNN: 'Slow News Cycle' Led to Media Hype About 'Cyber-Bullying' GOP Staffer

On Monday's At This Hour, CNN's Brian Stelter brushed aside a regular conservative critique about the media – that the press has a double standard about covering controversial remarks from ...
Media Research Center

No Charges in Ferguson = Grand Jury 'Failure,' While Time Asks, 'Is Rioting So Wrong?'

When the grand jury in Ferguson, Missouri, chooses not to indict police officer Darren Wilson, NBC's Brian Williams twice dubs that act "a failure," while after rioters burn buildings in Ferguson, ...
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