Media Research Center

Wolf Blitzer Asks If GOP 'Problem' With Women Is Over Competely Pro-Life Platform

Wolf Blitzer pressed Florida's GOP attorney general on Monday about the party platform's opposition to abortion in all cases, asking her if it was the "problem" Republicans had with women. "Is ...
Media Research Center

CNN Barely Mentions Romney's Energy Policy; Hypes Bain Capital 'Distraction'

Instead of informing the public about Mitt Romney's energy plan unveiled on Thursday, CNN harped on a "distraction" in the form of Bain Capital documents released by the website Gawker. Even an ...
Media Research Center

CNN Ignores Conservative Experts When Slamming Romney Welfare Ad as 'False'

CNN shot down Mitt Romney's claim that President Obama "gutted" welfare reform, despite experts who helped construct the actual 1996 law insisting that Obama did indeed strike at its heart ...
Media Research Center

Piers Morgan Asks If Bible Should Be 'Evolutionary,' Like Constitution Being Amended

In a Tuesday interview with comedian Jeff Foxworthy, CNN's Piers Morgan presented the half-baked idea of treating the Bible as "evolutionary" and asked if being Christian "has become almost a ...
Media Research Center

CNN Ties 'Pretty Embarrassing' Akin Controversy to Romney Campaign

In the wake of the Todd Akin controversy, CNN has not only tied the negative fallout to the Romney campaign and the Republican Party, but has also turned a critical eye to the party's "very far ...
Media Research Center

Chick-fil-A, Media Magic and 68 Days That Didn’t Shake the World

The left tried to pull a fast one on marriage.
Media Research Center

Piers Morgan Spins Todd Akin Controversy Into 'Romney's Worst Nightmare'

CNN's Piers Morgan played right into the hand of the Obama campaign's co-chair on Monday night, casting the fallout from Rep. Todd Akin's (R-Mo.) rape remarks as "Romney's worst nightmare." He ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Banfield Surprised at 'Very Far Right-Wing' GOP Pro-Life Platform

For CNN's Ashleigh Banfield, complete opposition to abortion equals a "very far right" position, as she insisted on Tuesday about the new Republican Party platform. For context, CNN used the ...
Media Research Center

Soledad O'Brien Defends Stimulus: 'Didn't That to a Large Degree Help the Economy?'

CNN's Soledad O'Brien defended the stimulus bill on Monday's Starting Point, calling it a "big thing" that President Obama accomplished and adding that police officers and firefighters kept ...
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