
Sidebar to Special Report: Science Fiction

Live Earth: NBC Joins Fight for 'Climate in Crisis,' Fails to Stay Objective

The Top 10 Economic Myths of 2010

Journalists' tall tales included praising GM for 'keeping faith' with taxpayers, comparing soda to cocaine, and attacking the Chamber of Commerce over baseless 'foreign money' claims.

Lack of New Drilling Blamed on Oil Companies

Maryland congressman tells CNN off-limits oil areas shouldn't be opened to exploration because other lands where oil can't be recovered 'are sitting idle.'

Weather Channel's Cullen Hopes to Push Global Warming Agenda on

Network's 'Forecast Earth' host calls for use of Web to project the effects of climate change into the future.

Coastal Protection Turned into Reefer Madness

Environmentalists to thank for yet another eco-tastrophe.

Fuel for Thought: Hurricane Season Below Average

Networks promote warming oceans, but ignore cooling temperatures.
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