
ABC Parrots Cuomo's Attack on Loan Industry

'World News' doesn't explain why loans are bad, glosses over lenders' perspective.

CNN Reporters Won't Take Professor's Word on Middle Class

The economy is strong, but 'In the Money' panel looks for every negative possibility, pushes liberal talking points.

CNN's 'In The Money' Laments 'Soaring' College Costs with Extreme Example

Segment complains of lower grants, using one school's 18-percent tuition hike as a benchmark.

Econ 101: Who Benefits from Boost in Student Grants?

'Round and 'round the taxpayer money goes ... and where it stops, nobody knows. Oh, and tuition will go up, too.

Stories Lament Twentysomethings 'Forced' to Live with Parents

Media depict young adults struggling with debt but talk little about poor choices that got them there.

PBS Gives a Hyped View of College Costs

'Nightly Business Report' segment ignored latest figures showing costs on decline.

USA Today: Room for Worry in New Study on College Weight Gain

The 'Freshman 15' reported more like the 'Freshman 8,' but reporter Nanci Hellmich focused on complaints from nutritionists about foods offered in college dining halls.
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