
For Once We Agree

Paul Krugman: "I'm sorry to say that a large part of the progressive movement seems to have lost its sanity."

Can You Call Barack Obama "Hussein"? Depends Who's Sayin' It

The Times jumps on a talk radio host for saying Barack Obama's middle name three times - but the Times' own columnists have used it as well.

The "Tolerant" Left Spews on Bill Kristol, the Times' Newest Columnist

Bill Kristol gets a Times column: Watch the left-wing blogosphere go nuts.

Frank Rich: Bush's "Quiet Coup" Worse Than Musharraf's Blatant One

"This is most apparent in the Republican presidential race, where most of the candidates seem to be running for dictator and make no apologies for it."

Reporter-Columnist Bashes "Blowhard Fringe" Against Immigration Bill

Reporter-turned-columnist Timothy Egan on talk radio hosts against illegal immigration: "...pragmatism is being drowned out by the bullies with electronic bullhorns, whove got their party leaders ...

Krugman: Clinton Administration "Pretty Honest and Well Run"

Ignore the evidence and just take Krugman's word for it: "The Clinton years were a parade of fake scandals: Whitewater, Troopergate, Travelgate, Filegate, Christmas-card-gate."

Paul Krugman's Pre-Election Paranoia

"And if you think the timing of the Saddam verdict was coincidental, I've got a terrorist plot against the Brooklyn Bridge to sell you."

Fervid Friedman: "It Is So Important that the Republicans Lose"

Friedman: "For the sake of the country, I really hope the Republicans lose the House and the Senate to the Democrats - by one seat in each chamber."
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