
Media Research Center

Dove’s Father’s Day Ad Goes Gay

Celebration of fatherhood incomplete without gay parents.
Media Research Center Celebrates Androgynous Japanese Ad

Cheers ‘changing way gender is portrayed in advertising.’

A Whopper of a Problem: CBS Anchor Makes Light of Raunchy Fast Food Ad

Early Show co-host Maggie Rodriguez laughs off concerns about Burger King Kids Meal ad featuring sex and SpongeBob.

Unmasking the Myths Behind the Fairness Doctrine

I do not agree with what you have to say, but Ill defend to the death your right to say it. - Voltaire

Greenpeace Resurrects JFK for Global Warming Ad Campaign

Web video depicts dead president warning climate change 'threatens our very existence,' claims 'technology and renewable energy offers the last remaining hope.'

NBC's Phillips Cites Psychologist Who Blames Advertising for Obesity

But the 'Dateline' excerpt left out that main source founded an organization dedicated to regulating advertising to children.

NBC's 'Today' Gives Voice to Class Envy in Hollywood

Reporter highlights complaint of Academy Award announcer about actors but ignores man's movie work.

Watch Out for 'Adult' Ads

Two New Developments at PBS

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