
Santelli: $4 Gas, $150 Oil Coming This Summer

CNBC CME floor reporter explains investors could flee equity markets for commodities, including energy and put a hurt on consumers.

Oil Recession: Analyst Foresees Oil at $40 a Barrel or Lower

Equidex President Phillip Gotthelf tells Bloomberg TV oil prices poised to drop much further.

CBS Labels Legitimate Oil Futures Exchange a 'Dark Market'

'Evening News' blasts overseas commodity exchanges for being 'virtually unregulated' and ignores the drilling solution to curb speculation in the oil market.

NBC Blames 'Speculators' for Higher Commodity Prices

'Nightly News' segment ignores vital function futures markets serve in free-market economy.

CNN Business Reporter Links Rising Corn Costs to Ethanol

Ali Velshi says government mandated ethanol has led to increase in commodities prices and the cost of the food on your table.
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